Monday, December 3, 2012

Lunar In Situ Resource Utilization of Regolith with Considering Advancements in Rapid Prototyping Technologies (Part 3)

(Apologies to the bot programs that make me believe that I actually get readers, I should have updated a while a go, I got distracted by Thanksgiving related activities, finally getting my new computer assembled and job searching)
Firstly it turns out NASA and associated research teams have already been developing techniques intended to prove the feasibility of using regolith/martian soil as a base material to locally produce replacement components for explorers. Totally awesome development, just wish they had waited until January to publish so I could seem more original.  (Note to self, do more research into pre-existing grant proposals sent to government agencies when you plan on writing a tech paper)

Anyways... back to writing (actually I'm going to flush out part 2 a bit more this afternoon as I want to explain a bit about mining and refinement before I get to the stuff I want to talk about in proper depth (Dec 3 2012))

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